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you talk of Shakespeare
as if you
know him

and you do
from flowery
pageants of history
and your coffee table
(or maybe that
is too much of an assumption)

you talk of Shakespeare
as if he were so
consonant with
your ideology
(I admit, so much
in common there,
down that
Lancastrian line

the greatest at-pain-
of-death trick
ever pulled

and true Tudor
beginning of British propaganda
those heavenly lies without
which Empire
a true miscarriage,
an abortion

no new world born
Cape to Cairo
never setting
on its shade of pink)

Shakespeare is
one part bedrock and
one part
shadow, pure
disavowal, anarchic subversion

he had the bravery to
flaunt before your faces
the life and energy of his characters

telling a truth you
would not believe

Mr Politician, most recent in that line
of hucksters and usurpers, connivers
men with daggers
in the wings

who never read
but tell us how much this work
stands test of
time but
needs to be winnowed, smoothed, protected

Oh my dear bard
you knew behind the masque, the pageant
the Royal progresses and processions

how deep the need to hold the
word, control forever

how deep the fear
for the pen
and absolute contempt